13.04.2021 – Sz Branżowa – j.angielski – Health watch: understanding written texts.

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Is Depression a Disease?

Depression – a modern disease.

Depression facts:

  • About 350 million people suffer from depression nowadays. It is one of the most common diseases according to WHO (World Health Organization).
  • Depression affects people of all ages: even children may be depressed.
  • There is nothing embarrassing about being depressed – it is disease which can be treated.
  • Its early symptoms cannot be ignored. The feeling of sadness, as well as any sleeping, eating or concentration problems which continue for more than a few days can be a warning sign.
  • It is possible to overcome depression.
Clinical Depression: Signs, Symptoms, and Sub-Types

How to prevent depression?

  • You should follow your passions and develop your interests.
  • Make sure you have a healthy diet, do exercise and have a good social life.
  • It is essential to get enough sleep – you need eight or nine hours of sleep at night.
  • It is also important to learn how to cope with stress connected with your school duties, social life, or a lack of self-confidence, as too much stress may lead to depression.
  • Last but not least, it is always a good idea to talk – to your friends, parents, teachers. Do not be afraid to talk to someone if you are not feeling well.
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  1. People can get depressed at any ________.
  2. Depression can ___________________ , especially if it is recognised early.
  3. Teenagers should sleep ________________ hours at night.
  4. Depression may be caused by ____________________ at school or in social life.
Our Flawed Pursuit of Happiness — and How to Get It Right - UCLA Anderson  Review

Opracowała, Svitlana Pavlenko



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