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I don’t want to gain weight so I exercise every day to stay fit. I go to the gym and work out and then I have a lot of energy. I am building muscle so I can be really strong. I go jogging twice a week to get even more exercise.
to gain weight
When I eat too much food, I gain weight.
to lose weight
When I go on a diet and I don’t eat too much food, I lose weight.
I am getting bigger. Now I am overweight.
I eat healthy food and I do a lot of sports. I am fit.
Ćwiczenie 1 : napisz brakujące słowa.
1. I weighed 102 pounds before I went on holiday. I was _______________. 2. I _______________ on holiday. Now I weigh 110 pounds. 3. Now I am 8 pounds _______________. 4. I need to _______________ now that I am home. I need to lose 8 pounds and I will be fit again.
gained weight
lose weight
to exercise
I exercise so I stay fit and I don’t gain weight.
to go to the gym
Many people go to the gym to exercise. There is a lot of exercise equipment at the gym.
to get in shape
If I want to look like him, I need to get in shape.
to go jogging
I like to go jogging. It’s not as fast as running.
to go for a walk
I get too tired from jogging but I like to go for a walk.
Ćwiczenie 2:
Co jest łatwiejsze, a co trudniejsze do zrobienia? Podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź 🙂
to gain weight
easier or harder
to lose weight
easier or harder
to go for a walk
easier or harder
to go jogging
easier or harder
Opracowała, Svitlana Pavlenko
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