29.03.2021 – Sz Branżowa – j.angielski – Developing vocabulary: health and medicine.

Części ciała 3 – Przedszkole nr 15

1. painkillerlek przeciwbólowy

2. heart attackzawał serca

3. Health centreOśrodek zdrowia

4. Waiting roomPoczekalnia

5. food poisoningzatrucie pokarmowe

6. first aidpierwsza pomoc


Complete the sentences in the notebook with the missing words./Uzupełnij zdania w zeszycie brakującymi słowami.

  1. When I am ill, I go to the ___________________ near my house.
  2. Please take a seat in the ___________________ . The doctor will see you in ten minutes.
  3. Salmonella is a type of bacteria which causes _________________.
  4. To help avoid a __________________ , exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
  5. I want to learn _________________ so that I know what to do if there’s an emergency.
  6. A: My back really hurts.
  7. B: Why don’t you take a ____________ ?
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